Beam Offers Trained
Call Center Agents
Beam Software can provide collection agents and allow customers to leverage the cost-benefit of outsourcing call center staffing without having to set up expensive offshore operations. Through its partnership with Resolv Global, a leading Call Center as a Service (CCaaS) solution provider, Beam can help customers find and keep collectors.
The Resolv call center staffing solution allows you to find collectors and skip the time-consuming burden of traditional hiring tasks like ad placement and resume screening.
Hire Collectors Today
Problem Solved
Beam Software users have told us that one of their biggest problems is that they can’t find and retain collectors. To solve that problem, Beam Software and Resolv Global have teamed up to create a pool of call center agents with experience in collections as well as knowledge of how to use the BEAM collection system. Beam customers use Resolv’s CCaaS to contract point callers, skip tracers, and collectors.
Benefits of Using Resolv Global Call Center Agents:
- Lower payroll expenses
- Agents already trained in collections and the BEAM software application
- No onboarding fees or set up costs
- No long-term agreements
- Access to multi-language agents
- Eliminate HR requirements by allowing Resolv Global to be the employer of record
- Hire agents for less than $2,000 per month
Hire Collection Agents and Point Callers Today!
Call us now at 866-620-3445 or email [email protected] to get started. Visit to learn more about their CCaaS solutions.